3715 Country Club Court

Outside Temperature is 62.8
Barometer is 29.943
Today's Forecast is Fine, possible showers
Wind Speed is 0.0 mph from ---
Wind Chill is 62.8
Dew Point is 61.3 *
Today's High Temperature 66.3 at 02:45
Today's Low Temperature 62.7 at 06:10
Today's maximum wind gust 9.0 at 10:04
The average temperature so far today 64.2
Rain since midnight 0.28 in
Rain last 24 hours 0.28 in
Monthly Rainfall 1.76 in
Yearly Rainfall 6.20 in
Outside Humidity is 95
Outside Heat Index is 62.8
Inside Temperature is 75.7
Station Date is 4/25/2024
Station Time as of Readings 06:11:09
Sunrise at station 06:35
Sunset at station 20:03
Image updated at 30 sec intervals
Weather Data updated at 1 min intervals
Updated April 9, 2017 to add dew point and delete Todays rain